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What is 1000000 percent of .100?

Percentage Calculator

What is 'X' percent of 'W'

What is % of

'P' out of 'W' as a percentage

What is out of as a percentage?
Answer: %

'P' is 'X' percent of What?

is % of what?

Solution for 'What is 1000000% of .100?'

In the following example, consider that:

Solution Steps

The following question is of the type "How much X percent of W", where W is the whole amount and X is the percentage figure or rate".

Let's say that you need to find 1000000 percent of .100. What are the steps?

Step 1: First determine the value of the whole amount. We assume that the whole amount is .100.

Step 2: Determine the percentage, which is 1000000.

Step 3: Convert the percentage 1000000% to its decimal form by dividing 1000000 by 100 to get the decimal number 10000:

1000000100 = 10000

Notice that dividing by 100 is the same as moving the decimal point two places to the left.

1,000,000.0 → 100,000.00 → 10,000.00

Step 4: Finally, find the portion by multiplying the decimal form found in the previous step by the whole amount:

10000 x .100 = 1000 (answer).

The steps above are expressed by the formula:

P = W × X%100

This formula says that:

"To find the portion or the part from the whole amount, multiply the whole by the percentage, then divide the result by 100".

The symbol % means the percentage expressed in a fraction or multiple of one hundred.

Replacing these values in the formula, we get:

P = .100 × 1000000100 = .100 × 10000 = 1000 (answer)

Therefore, the answer is 1000 is that 1000000 percent of .100.

Sample percentage problems

See also: